我女兒每天早上要出門前,邊吃早餐都會看加拿大Kids' CBC電視台的幼兒節目,其中有一個節目叫做Kid Canada,裡面有個Heroic kid單元,請小朋友寄照片去,然候把照片貼在superman臉上,讓小孩當成Heroic Kid,節目每次結束時,都會呼籲家長寄孩子的照片過去,我便心動,也寄過去了,對方前幾天通知我女兒的照片要在3/18那天登在節目上。



Thank you for sending us your Kid Canada submission. Kid Canada has re-launched with a brand new look and brand new heroes - and you're a part of it!

We are happy to announce that you will be part of the NEW Kid Canada Team on Kids' CBC. You can be seen as part of the Kid Canada Team on:

Monday 18 March, between Busytown Mysteries & Super Why (approx. 8:55), and again between Lunar Jim & The Doodlebops (approx. 10:25)
***We are unable to make copies of your personal announcement so be sure to set your VCR/PVR and record it so you can watch it whenever you want!***

Thank you for joining the Kid Canada Team! ...you're a real superhero!


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