今天剛收到一則email通知,來自McGill Conservatory音樂部門,內容是宣傳有一位很有經驗的合唱老師,準備要開線上的合唱團班,依孩子年紀分成兩班:7-10歲與11-17歲,歡迎家長報名。這則資訊提供給家中有喜歡唱歌的家長參考,詳細email張貼如下〈點開網頁連結就會看到學費和時間表〉:
Dear Conservatory Students,
Here is a message from Sara Laimon, Director of the McGill Conservatory of Music regarding the new Introduction to Choral Singing Online Mini-Course:
Those of you who know me well, know that I attribute much of my musical knowledge to having sung in choirs from the age of 6 through college. I invite you to learn to use your voice and discover the joys of choral singing; whatever your experience in music, this choral singing mini-course is a great place to be!
We encourage you to please find out more about these exciting courses. To show your interest in them, please click on the following links by January 29, 2021.
Children 7 to 10 years old: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=cZYxzedSaEqvqfz4-J8J6gVvtIrxwE9Mu4-xCAFc8X9UQzNUME1ENE1CRTZNVkhRSzJCQVdaQTdEViQlQCN0PWcu
Youth 11 to 17 years old: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=cZYxzedSaEqvqfz4-J8J6gVvtIrxwE9Mu4-xCAFc8X9UNUpNMjU1UkpRUDc2R0w0VlJMM0o0UTFGSCQlQCN0PWcu
The course will be conducted in English with bilingual support from the teacher.
Le cours sera offert en anglais, avec traduction en francais par le professeur au besoin.
We hope to see many of you online for the Introduction to Choral Singing Online Mini-Course!
Felix Dupont-Foisy
Communications assistant, McGill Conservatory Choirs
Assistant aux communications, Chorales du Conservatoire de McGill