蒙特婁慈濟 感恩節搬家義賣會


蒙特婁慈濟 感恩節搬家義賣開跑囉!


位在Verdun的慈濟會所,即將從3988 Rue Wellington 搬到4470  Rue Wellington新家。


搬家前,我們將舉辦二手清倉義賣會!義賣項目種類多元,包括食衣住行各層面,如實用書桌($20)、冷氣($10)、書架(($10)、冬季寒衣($10)、雅致便當盒($5)、萬聖節服裝 ($5)、名牌二手童裝($3)、經典童鞋、時尚成人衣物、可愛文具等等,大至家具、小至餐具,應有盡有,你想得到的、這裡都找得到!歡迎舊雨新知共襄盛舉,在感恩節的長周末裡,我們一起來幫這些生活用品,重新找到新主人!


地址 : 3988 Rue Wellington, Montreal, QC H4G 1V3, Canada

日期: 10 月 14 日 (星期一, 下午 1 至 5 點 ) 聯繫人 : Zoe (438 880 5970)


Tzu Chi Foundation Moving Garage Sale on Thanksgiving (14 Oct, 1-5pm)


Tzu Chi Foundation is moving soon from 3988 Rue Wellington to 4470 Rue Wellington!


Therefore, Tzu Chi Foundation and friends are going to organize a small scale Moving Garage Sale on 14 October (1-5pm) to sell some useful household items such as office table ($20), air-conditioning ($10), bookshelves ($10), fans ($10), lunch box ($5), Halloween costumes($5), kids clothes & accessories ($2),...etc.


We hope to see you and your friends on Thanksgiving and bring back one or two items to their new home!


Address : 3988 Rue Wellington, Montreal, QC H4G 1V3, Canada

Date & Time: 14 October (1-5pm)        Contact : Zoe (438 880 5970)



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