On December 19, 2024, the Chinese Association of Montreal held a business luncheon at the Restaurant Chez Chine. The theme was "Chinatown's future stability and prosperity plan." The organizers were the Chinese Association of Montreal, the Montreal Chinatown Development Association, Sun Yat Sen Park Foundation, Montreal Chinatown Residents Association and Sociétés de développement commercial (SDC).
Host Mr. Fo Niemi, the director of the Center for Research-Action on Race Relations CRARR introduced the guests as follows: Wilson Wong, the president of Montreal Chinese Association, Bill Wong, the chairman of Montreal Chinatown Development Council, Phil Chu, chairman of the Montreal Chinatown Residents Association, Michael Huang from Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Montreal, Snowden District City Councilor Sonny Moroz, Chief Krisztina Balogh Commander of SPVM station 21 and former City Councilor Steve Shanahan.
As Bryant Chang, vice president of Chinese Association of Montreal points out that starting from 2023, the Chinese Association continued to work with other business associations to prosper Chinatown and the three major visions for 2025 are as follows:
1. Develop new alliances and partnerships with Montreal, downtown in particular.
2. Strengthen our ties with partners such as the SPVM and anyone who shares our goals of safety and prosperity and quality of life.
3. Reassure merchants and residents that we are looking after Chinatown’s interests, needs and opportunities and that our vision of Chinatown is inclusive.
The keynote speaker at the luncheon, Glen Castanheira, is the executive director of the SDC. It is a non-profit organization with nearly 5,000 corporate members. Its main mission is to actively develop the economy of the city center and to prosper Chinatown, such as cleaning Chinatown 365 days a year, improving public lighting to create a bright and safe cityscape for residents and tourists, including the planning of public art installations to highlight the art of Montreal feature.
The concept of "prosperous and stable Chinatown" resonated with everyone. City Councilor Moroz and many business leaders enthusiastically asked questions. After the two-hour wonderful luncheon came to a successful conclusion, the organizer presented the "Prosperous and Stable" calligraphy and painting to the speaker to thank him for his detailed briefing. In line with the city municipal concern for the development of Chinatown, the police station was also presented with the calligraphy "Work Together to Protect Security" at Police Station 21 to affirm the police’s efforts in maintaining the security of Chinatown. The calligraphies were made by Jason Tan of Chinese Association of Montreal.
〈上第一圖〉主辦單位致贈「攜手護安」字畫給蒙特婁21警局長官Krisztina Balogh〈右四〉,主持人Fo Niemi〈左一〉、僑務促進委員譚超鴻〈左二〉、中華會館主席黃蔚岳〈右二〉
致詞嘉賓有滿地可中華會館副主席Bryant Chang〈左上〉、蒙特利爾唐人街發展協會主席Bill Wong〈右上〉、前市議員Steve Shanahan〈左下〉、唐人街居民協會主席Phil Chu〈右下〉
〈上圖一〉右四為市議員Sonny Moroz。
主持人Fo Niemi介紹蒞臨嘉賓有:滿地可中華會館黃蔚岳主席和蒙特利爾唐人街發展協會主席Bill Wong、蒙特婁唐人街居民協會主席Phil Chu、駐蒙特婁台北經濟文化辦事處的黃耀良組長、斯諾登區〈Snowdon〉市議員Sonny Moroz、蒙特婁21號分局長官Krisztina Balogh以及前市議員Steve Shanahan。
滿地可中華會館副主席Bryant Chang致詞表示,自2023年起,中華會館與其他商業社團攜手合作,繁榮唐人街,2025 年的三大願景如下:
1. 與蒙特婁市中心建立新的聯盟合作
2. 加強與 SPVM〈蒙特婁警方〉等合作夥伴交流,確保唐人街安定繁榮,提升當地生活品質
3. 強化經營唐人街商圈,讓商家和居民在此安居樂業
午餐會的主講人Glen Castanheira是蒙特婁市中心商業發展協會〈SDC〉的執行董事,該會是非營利組織,擁有近五千家企業會員,其主要使命是活絡發展市中心的經濟,為了繁榮唐人街,採行的措施包括一年365天清潔大隊清掃唐人街,改善公共照明,裝飾路燈和美化燈柱,為居民和遊客打造燈火燦爛的安全市景,其中公共藝術裝置的規劃更凸顯蒙特婁的藝術特色。
On December 19, 2024, the Chinese Association of Montreal held a business luncheon at the Restaurant Chez Chine. The theme was "Chinatown's future stability and prosperity plan." The organizers were the Chinese Association of Montreal, the Montreal Chinatown Development Association, Sun Yat Sen Park Foundation, Montreal Chinatown Residents Association and Sociétés de développement commercial (SDC).
Host Mr. Fo Niemi, the director of the Center for Research-Action on Race Relations CRARR introduced the guests as follows: Wilson Wong, the president of Montreal Chinese Association, Bill Wong, the chairman of Montreal Chinatown Development Council, Phil Chu, chairman of the Montreal Chinatown Residents Association, Michael Huang from Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Montreal, Snowden District City Councilor Sonny Moroz, Chief Krisztina Balogh Commander of SPVM station 21 and former City Councilor Steve Shanahan.
As Bryant Chang, vice president of Chinese Association of Montreal points out that starting from 2023, the Chinese Association continued to work with other business associations to prosper Chinatown and the three major visions for 2025 are as follows:
1. Develop new alliances and partnerships with Montreal, downtown in particular.
2. Strengthen our ties with partners such as the SPVM and anyone who shares our goals of safety and prosperity and quality of life.
3. Reassure merchants and residents that we are looking after Chinatown’s interests, needs and opportunities and that our vision of Chinatown is inclusive.
The keynote speaker at the luncheon, Glen Castanheira, is the executive director of the SDC. It is a non-profit organization with nearly 5,000 corporate members. Its main mission is to actively develop the economy of the city center and to prosper Chinatown, such as cleaning Chinatown 365 days a year, improving public lighting to create a bright and safe cityscape for residents and tourists, including the planning of public art installations to highlight the art of Montreal feature.
The concept of "prosperous and stable Chinatown" resonated with everyone. City Councilor Moroz and many business leaders enthusiastically asked questions. After the two-hour wonderful luncheon came to a successful conclusion, the organizer presented the "Prosperous and Stable" calligraphy and painting to the speaker to thank him for his detailed briefing. In line with the city municipal concern for the development of Chinatown, the police station was also presented with the calligraphy "Work Together to Protect Security" at Police Station 21 to affirm the police’s efforts in maintaining the security of Chie by Jason Tan of Chinese Association of Montreal.